Portraits These are portaits made for a variety of projects on a Fuji X-M1 with Adobe Lightroom. Andrew Harris. Portrait for People of the Central Area & their stories. Seattle. 2015 Dave Peck. Portrait for Seattle Public Library, Special Collections. Jazz Archive. 2016 Stephanie Ellis-Smith. Portrait for People of the Central Area & their stories. Seattle. 2014 Michelle Purnell-Hepburn. Portrait for People of the Central Area & their stories. Seattle. 2013 Jim Knapp. Portrait for Seattle Public Library, Special Collections. Jazz Archive. 2016 Overton Berry. Portrait for Seattle Public Library, Special Collections. Jazz Archive. 2016 Evan Flory-Barnes. Portrait for Seattle Public Library, Special Collections. Jazz Archive. 2017 Monad Elohim. Portrait for Storied Seattle. Podcast. 2018 Sarah Slater. Portrait for People of the Central Area & their stories. Seattle. 2014 Laura Dewell. Portrait for People of the Central Area & their stories. Seattle. 2013